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Fullcourt Team of the Month i Basketligaen: Januar

Facebook har netop annonceret deres Team of the Month i Basketligaen fra januar.

Team of the Month består af to guards, to forwards og en center. er dog meget fleksible med spillernes positioner.

Holdet ser således ud:

G: Rodney Chatman, Team FOG Næstved (33 point, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 1,3 steals) **
G: Josh Fortune, Randers Cimbria (22,3 point, 8,6 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals) **
F: Darko Jukic, Bakken Bears (16,5 point, 4,5 rebounds, 4,2 assists, 2,2 steals, 1 block) *
F: Eysan Wiley, Holbæk-Stenhus (21,2 point, 12 rebounds, 3 assists) *
C: Ryan Evans, Bakken Bears (19 point, 6,7 rebounds, 4 assists) **

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Hvad har Jagan Mosely (Team FOG Næstved), Avery Anderson III (Randers Cimbria), Matt Balanc (Horsens IC), Caden Ebeling (BK Amager) og Isiah